Importance Factors to Consider While Buying a Water Heater

Importance Factors to Consider While Buying a Water Heater

Water Heater: Before proceeding to the important factors while buying a water heater let me give you a short definition of what a water heater is. Water Heater is a heating transfer process where an energy source is used to heat the water to an initial temperature. The power consumption of electric showers in the maximum heating setting is about 5.5 kW for 120 V and 7.5 kW for 220 V. As we all know that nowadays in everyone is having “Water Heater” in Hotels, Restaurants, and Residence etc.

Important Factors While Buying a Water Heater:

While buying a new home, remodelling, or even replacing an old and worn-out appliance, we need to consider multiple factors when buying a storage water
heater. Here are some few factors below which are as follows:

Energy Consumption: While fixing a water heater it should not increase our power bills expressively. Electricity consumption of water heaters depends on multiple factors. Firstly, the volume of water used. The more hot water used, the more electricity it will consume. Standing Loss is heat lost through the surface of the water heater due to non-usage of already heated water.

Quality of the Tank and Heating Element: This would lead to decreased efficiency, corrosion, and shorter lifespan of the heater. Look for corrosion-resistant water heaters for a reliable, efficient and long-lasting home appliance.

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Capacity: Your household usage of hot water would determine the capacity requirement in a water heater. For a single person or a nuclear family, you should consider the ones with smaller tanks. Another factor to consider is the usage.

Safety Features: While water heaters are safe to use, one must be aware of the risks and the safety features that are in-built in a storage water heater. We need to check for the safety valve which opens to relieve pressure if either the pressure or the temperature gets too high. This prevents the water heater from blowing up if something goes wrong.

Installation and Maintenance: While installing/fixing the water heater on wall or floor space it is required to considerable and needs which is required when buying this appliance. We need to designate a spot with easy connectivity to the input and outlet faucets and easily accessible for maintenance and repairs. Follow this site for more product reviews!

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