What is the complete form of TDR? Why is it important? You will get all the important details of TDR here on this page. For your future reference, please bookmark this page on your browser. An abbreviation can be used to describe or illustrate a shorter version of a word or sentence. It could refer to the combination of letters or words that are taken from the entire word or phrase which is exactly mentioned below.
Abbreviations can be used in all areas, including Business, Entertainment, Education, Politics, Sports, Automobiles, Jobs, Medical, Lifestyle, Travel, Science, Finance, Technology etc.
TDR Full form in Bank: What is the Full Form of TDR
TDR in Banking = Term Deposit Receipt
TDR in Travelling = Ticket Deposit Receipt
TDR in Property = Transferable Development Rights
Above we have described each type of abbreviation in detail. If you want more information regarding this or if you have any suggestions or opinions then do not forget to share them with us through this mail.